OSG World Final

Who will be the world’s strongest?

2024 SBD Official Strongman Games

December 5th - 8th, 2024

The Official Strongman Games is a festival of strength that brings together nearly 400 of the top Strongman and Strongwoman athletes from over 35 countries. The athletes will be competing for the World’s Strongest title across multiple divisions.

The Official Strongman Games has become a destination event for athletes and strength fans worldwide.

Alliant Energy Center - Veterans Memorial Coliseum
1919 Alliant Energy Center Way
Madison, WI 53713


This schedule includes approximate times and is subject to changes at any time.

Wed, Dec 4

10:00am - 5:00pm: Sponsor Booth Setup

Thur, Dec 5

8:30am - Doors Open

9:00am - 10:00am: Teen/Junior Weigh-ins + Check-in

10:00am - 5:00pm: Main Athlete Weigh-ins + Check-in

12:00pm - 5:00pm: Teen/Junior Competition + Adaptive Exhibition

5:30pm - Nutrition seminar with Nathan Payton

6:00pm - Athlete rules meeting

Fri, Dec 6

8:30am - Doors Open

9:30am - Opening Ceremony (All Athletes)

Masters 40+

10:00am - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
10:40am - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

Masters 50+

11:30am - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
12:05pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

Masters LW

12:45pm - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
1:20pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

64kg & 80kg

2:00pm - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
2:40pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

73kg & 90kg

3:30pm - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
4:10pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

82kg & 105kg

5:00pm - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
5:40pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk


6:30pm - MBPC Monster Log Challenge
7:10pm - Jocko Fuel Car Walk

Sat, Dec 7

8:30am - Doors Open

9:45am - Day 1 Recap + Day 2 Intro

Masters 40+

10:00am - Axle Deadlift
10:40am - Sandbag Medley

Masters 50+

11:30am - Axle Deadlift
12:05pm - Sandbag Medley


12:45pm - Axle Deadlift
1:20pm - Sandbag Medley

64kg & 80kg

2:00pm - Axle Deadlift
2:40pm - Sandbag Medley

73kg & 90kg

3:30pm - Axle Deadlift
4:10pm - Sandbag Medley

82kg & 105kg

5:00pm - Axle Deadlift
5:40pm - Sandbag Medley


6:30pm - Axle Deadlift
7:10pm - Sandbag Medley

Sun, Dec 8

8:30am - Doors Open

9:30am - Day 2 recap + Finals Intro

9:45am - 12:00PM - Depth Before Dishonor Sandbag Toss

12:00Pm - 2:30PM - Animal wrecking Ball Hold

2:45Pm - 6:00PM - Atlas Stones Series

6:15pm - 7:00pm - Awards Ceremony

8:00pm - 11:00pm: Athlete/Staff - After Party & Dinner




Mens - 198lb/90kg

Mens - 176lb/80kg

Mens - Masters 40+

Mens - Masters 40+ LW

Mens - Masters 50+



Womens - open

Womens - 161lb / 73kg

Womens - 141lb / 64kg

Womens - Masters 40+

Womens - Masters 40+ LW

Womens - Masters 50+


TEENS / JUNIORS / Adaptive

Teen Men 13-15

Teen Men 16-18

Junior Men 19-20 LW

Junior Men 19-20 HW

Teen Women 13-15

Teen Women 16-18

Junior Women 19-20

Adaptive Athletes

Event Details

Day 1 - Friday
(All athletes - 4 lanes head-to-head)

MB Powercenter Monster Log Challenge

Athletes will clean and press a log from pads to overhead for max reps within a 60 sec time limit. Athletes will have 2 logs to choose from: a light log and a heavy log. A single rep completed with the heavy log will remove all reps from the light log. Reps completed with the heavy log will ALWAYS beat any reps completed with the light log. Athletes are allowed to go back to the light log if they fail the heavy log.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (4 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Total reps completed is your score.

    • Athlete begins at a starting line.

    • Athlete must wait for judge’s command to receive a good rep.

    • No lift will count unless a down signal is received from the judge.

    • To receive the down command, feet must be in line with each other and head must be in line with the arms. Elbow, knees, and hips must be locked out and stable.

    • Each rep must begin from the pads.

    • Log is not allowed to touch or rest on the athlete's head.

    • No straps, hooks, tacky, tack towels, or grip shirts allowed.

    • No built-up belts or loose prongs/buckles in the front.


Jocko Fuel Car Walk

Athletes will pick up and carry a car down a 50ft / 15m course as fast as possible within a 60 sec time limit. Athletes will be allowed to drop and pick the car again as many times as necessary. If the course is not completed within the time limit, a distance will be measured.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (4 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Finish time or distance is your score.

    • Athletes begin inside the car.

    • Both front tires must cross the line to complete the course.

    • No hitting or jumping on the car allowed. If a car is damaged due to this, the athlete may receive a zero for the event or be disqualified.

Day 2 - Saturday
(All athletes - 4 lanes head-to-head)


Axle Deadlift

Athletes will deadlift an axle for max reps within a 60 sec time limit. Athletes will have 2 axles to choose from: a light axle and a heavy “trump” axle. A single rep completed with the heavy “trump” axle will remove all reps from the light axle. Reps completed with the heavy “trump” axle will ALWAYS beat any reps completed with the light axle. Athletes are allowed to go back to the light axle if they fail the heavy “trump” axle.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (4 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Total reps completed is your score.

    • Athlete begins at a starting line.

    • Athlete must wait for judge’s command to receive a good rep.

    • No lift will count unless a down signal is received from the judge.

    • To receive the down command, athlete must demonstrate full lockout with their hips and knees locked out, and their shoulders neutral.

    • You are NOT ALLOWED to drop the bar from the lockout. Your knees and/or hips must unlock before you let go. The judge will have the discretion to remove a good lift due to letting go of the bar from lockout.

    • Conventional stance only. Hands must be outside of feet and knees.

    • Athletes must wait for an ‘up’ command between each successful lift. Touch and go is not allowed.

    • Deadlift suits and powerlifting briefs are allowed.

    • No baby powder, oils, or any other friction aid can be applied to your legs.

    • Lifting straps and chalk are allowed. (Figure 8 straps are allowed, but thumbs must remain in contact with the bar.)


Sandbag Medley

The athletes will carry a sandbag 50ft / 15.25m down the course and load it into a sled. The athlete will then run back down the course and carry a Húsafell sandbag down the course to be loaded into the sled. After both sandbags are loaded into the sled, the athlete will push the sled back down the course until the front of the sled breaks the line at 50ft / 15.25m.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (4 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Athletes will start at a line.

    • Implements must be carried in order. You cannot carry the Húsafell sandbag until you have successfully loaded the first sandbag.

    • Equipment not allowed: Straps, Tacky, spray adhesives, tack towels, or any other sticky substance.

    • Score will be total distance of implements carried + distance of sled pushed, or time if the total course is completed. You will receive a distance measurement for sandbags not finished.

Day 3 (FINALS) - Sunday
(Top 10 athletes per class - 2 lanes head-to-head)


Depth Before Dishonor Sandbag Toss

Athletes will throw a series of 6 sandbags over a crossbar in the fastest time within a 45 sec time limit.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 45 second time limit.

    • Height for all men’s crossbars will be 15ft / 4.6m.

    • Height for all women’s crossbars will be 13ft / 4m.

    • Athletes will start the event touching one of the uprights.

    • Once time begins, athletes will toss each sandbag over the crossbar from lightest to heaviest.

    • In case an athlete is unable to finish all 6 sandbags, split times will be taken on each bag when it hits the ground behind the crossbar.

    • Credit for heavier bags will not be given until all lighter bags are successfully tossed over the crossbar.

    • In the unlikely event a sandbag gets stuck on the top of the crossbar, the athlete will be allowed to move to the next sandbag. If the sandbag remains stuck, the athlete will receive credit for the sandbag. If the sandbag falls down on the ‘athlete side’ of the crossbar after previously being stuck, the athlete will not get credit for that sandbag and must throw the sandbag again. If the sandbag falls off the crossbar on the ‘athlete side’ within 15 seconds after time has stopped, the athlete will not get credit for the fallen sandbag.


Animal Wrecking Ball Hold

Athletes will grasp and hold a handle connected to a ‘wrecking ball’ for as long as possible. Athletes will begin at full lockout and the floor under the ‘wrecking ball’ will gradually lower forcing the athlete to take the strain and hold the entire weight of the implement.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (up to 4 at once).

    • No time limit.

    • Athlete will begin at full lockout with no hip or knee bend. A crew member will adjust the chain length for each athlete as they prepare to compete.

    • Athlete feet must be at least 16in apart for safety if handle drops.

    • Athlete is not allowed to move their feet together once time has started.

    • Chain will be centered within a 6in hole, if the chain catches on the outer ring of the hole due to the athlete leaning backward, time will be stopped for that athlete.

    • Straps, wrist wraps, grip shorts, and all other grip aids outside of block and liquid chalk are not allowed.


Atlas Stones Series

Athletes will load a series of 6 atlas stones increasing in weight onto a platform in the fastest time within a 60 sec time limit.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Time and total stones loaded is your score.

    • Time stops when the 6th stone has settled after being loaded and the athlete’s hands are off the stone.

    • In case an athlete is unable to finish all 6 stones, split times will be taken at each stone loaded.

    • Athlete begins at a starting line.

    • Each stone must remain on the platform in the hole provided. If the stone leaves the platform, the athlete must reload that stone and will not receive credit for any stones loaded until that stone is reloaded.

    • No grip shirts allowed.

    • Stone Platform heights for men (except 80kg): 60in/152cm - 50in/127cm

    • Stone Platform heights for women and 80kg men: 54in/137cm - 44in/112cm

TEEN/Junior Event Details

(2 lanes head-to-head)

Teen+Junior Log Press Challenge

Athletes will clean and press a log from pads to overhead for max reps within a 60 sec time limit. Athletes will have multiple logs to choose fromranging from lightest to heaviest. A single rep completed with a heavier log will remove all reps from lighter logs. Reps completed with a heavier log will ALWAYS beat any reps completed with a lighter log. Athletes are allowed to go back to a lighter log if they fail a heavier log.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Total reps completed is your score.

    • Athlete begins at a starting line.

    • Athlete must wait for judge’s command to receive a good rep.

    • No lift will count unless a down signal is received from the judge.

    • To receive the down command, feet must be in line with each other and head must be in line with the arms. Elbow, knees, and hips must be locked out and stable.

    • Each rep must begin from the pads.

    • Log is not allowed to touch or rest on the athlete's head.

    • No straps, hooks, tacky, tack towels, or grip shirts allowed.

    • No built-up belts or loose prongs/buckles in the front.


Teen+Junior Yoke Race

Athletes will pick up and carry a Yoke down and back a 50ft / 15m course as fast as possible within a 60 sec time limit. Athletes can drop and pick the yoke again as many times as necessary.If the course is not completedwithin the time limit, a distance will be measured.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Finish time or distance is your score.

    • Athletes begin under the yoke.

    • Both front feet must break the line to complete the course.


TEEN+Junior Axle Deadlift Ladder

Athletes will deadlift a series of 4 axle bars, increasing in weight in the fastest time within a 60 sec time limit.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Athletes will start standing off rubber mat flooring behind the lightest of the 4 axle bars.

    • Once time beings, athletes will deadlift each bar, in ascending weight order, to full lockout.

    • No lift will count unless a down signal is received from the judge.

    • To receive the down command, knees and hips must be fully locked out with shoulders behind the plan of the bar. Once the down call is received, the bar may be dropped, and the athlete moves onto the next bar.

    • In case an athlete is unable to finish all 4 axle bars, split times will be taken at each credited lift.

    • Conventional stance only. Hands must be outside of feet and knees.

    • Deadlift suits and powerlifting briefs are NOT allowed. (if it doesn't stretch, it is NOT allowed)

    • No baby powder, oils, or any other friction aid can be applied to your legs.

    • Lifting straps and chalk are allowed. (Figure 8 straps are allowed, but thumbs must remain in contact with the bar.)


TEEN+Junior Sandbag Medley

The athletes will have 6 sandbags to choose from in any order. The athlete will choose and carry a sandbag 50ft / 15.25m down the course and load it into a sled. The athlete will then run back down the course, choose another sandbag to carry down the course and load it into the sled. The athlete will carry and load as many sandbags as possible to load the maximum weight into the sled.

  • • Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes).

    • 60 second time limit.

    • Athletes will start at a line.

    • Equipment not allowed: Straps, Tacky, spray adhesives, tack towels, or any other sticky substance.

    • Score will be total weight of sandbags loaded, or time if all sandbags are loaded. You will not get a distance measurement for sandbags not finished.